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On-line Monitoring
Remote monitoring helps clients cost-effectively maximize the availability and performance of their systems with remote technical support to troubleshoot and resolve system problems. Our team of experienced system engineers undertakes remote monitoring of the whole network via an intelligent network monitoring system. Faults are identified upon occurrence under a manned 24-hours monitoring system, allowing recognition prior to client's potential notice of such potential errors.

We provide remote management and maintenance diagnostics in house to make a fast response guaranteeing fix times for the complete wireless network.

On-Site Support
On-Site Support provides same-day repair of circuit network parameters. Experienced engineers are dispatched to resolve any potential problems. Full Service Level Agreements can be provided to meet your exact network needs and to ensure that the availability and quality of your network meet with envisioned expectations.

Managed Services
Our demarcation point for managed services ends at the WAN interface, whether Router, Switch or Hub.

Service Level Agreements
Service Level Agreements can be tailored to meet your specific requirements. For more information please contact us on :( 01) 577 588, or email us at: sales@cable-1.net.

Preventive Maintenance
We undertake regular preventive maintenance of the network components. Any network component is important and with the reliance on information networks the LAN and WAN infrastructure is vital.

  © Copyright, 2008, Cable One, Beirut, Lebanon;